
I have been so blessed to embark upon this yoga journey and have meet inspirational people that have given me the courage and drive to explore this dream of mine to become a yoga teacher. 

I had the privilege of growing up all over the word.  I had the opportunity to experience different countries, cultures, languages and cuisines.  When I was a little girl I spent a few years living in the Middle East. I loved the markets or souks as they are called. With all the entrancing spices, gold and beautiful dresses. The food and the culture truly intrigued me. I became obsessed with Aladdin (the 1961 movie!!) and watched over and over and over again. The movie is engrained in my being. Fast forward a number of years and I discovered yoga. I was drawn not just to the asana the physical form of yoga as an exercise but to the spiritual path as a way of life. My mat became my magic carpet taking me on incredible adventures of the body, mind and soul. Yoga also taught me that I hold the power in my mind to create the world and life that I want to manifest that,  in essence, we are all hold this power and are our very own genies.

Deep down I have always wanted to be in a position where I can help people, at University I studied Psychology because I also wanted to understand people. I used my degree to counsel people for jobs and in aligning people with job opportunities and help them achieve their career aspirations.  However, in a corporate environment it is easy to lose one’s self and lose the very essence of one self.  You lose ones breath, you lose your way in life because awareness of the present moment in gone and instead you can be buried in the in the material world. The practice of yoga brings us back to our breath, back to our current moment and to our awareness.  Yoga empowers us to realize the best possible version of our selves day by day.  I want to help people balance our busy lives if only for an hour. Help people find a little bit of peace and tranquility on their mat, find their breath and find a deeper connection to themselves.

Beyond the spiritual side, Yoga practice provides us with the valuable and much needed exercise for a healthy spine and a healthy body.  I have been playing sport for most of my life and I encourage all around me that I love and cherish to practice some form of sport to stay fit and healthy.  Yoga’s beauty is that it is a practice for all ages; young and old; sick or healthy; underweight or overweight. Yoga is the exercise solution.  I want to be part of something that gives people from all walks of life more energy, makes them feel better, healthier and is accessible to all.

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Contact info@cph-yoga.com